the first room Ananda - Happiness - Lycka greets you.
A video-installation in three parts, which was Allberg's masters degree
exhibition from the Academy of Fine Arts, Umea university.
It has earlier been shown in BildMuséet,
Umeå och Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm in May 2002.
A ride on the Ganga before sun-rise, is shown at one wall. As double-projections
episodes from dr Kataria's School of Laughter Yoga, in Mumbai,
India, Indian dance, the Indian happiness-festival, Diwali,
as well all walking on fire, is edited in. Against the other wall
scenes from the laugheter. school, mixed with sunny yellow with texts
about the medical gains of laughter-yoga. |

the fire burns in the shape of a human being is a very good omen
for the Fire-walk. That means that the
goddess Sri Marianam is satisfied and happy about
our offering"
- Paul
Allberg has
looked into how hapiness is perceived in the different sections
of the population in India during a journey there in 2001. Singapore's
Indian population revealed the path to happiness thru Indian dance
and focused the ability to attain happiness thru pain there.
The hind-priest Paul Raj speaks about and shows his agreement with
some Hindu-guds to achieve happiness. On the third wall signs are
posted. They inform in more detaile about the four parts of the
exhibition. The Indian Diwali-festivities, that can
be described as fussion of western Christmas- snd New year-celebrations
are presented among the waves of the Ganga.