last autumn the skulpturpark
began to take shape.
who is the originator to skulpturparken
was in touch with some of the artist. This made new connections come thru,
which gave ideas to more artist. The invited artists strolled arounnd the
idyllic landscape surrounding the Lockne-lake and were thus inspired to
create a site-specific
piece of art. Either as a sculpture or as land-art,
that the visitors were toattend and experience. Children and youth in the
Lockne-area have created works of art in "Logen", which they will
place in the landscape. The sculptures that they made last year are also
left, since they wanted to leave them.
[Free of Loss] Linda
Petersson's art-piece Sorgfrid "contains of
several works in a a clearing in Espnäs skulpturpark. My thoughts
about the work were that it would alleviate for the soul and heart.
When I found the old stove in the location I put its former function
contrathe loss of it in the clearing. Estetically it gave me fantasies
of an altar, thereafter Icontributed a telephone which makes a signal
to the universe and a spiritual link. Thru the telephone you can relieve
your heart of worries and let the forset take care of your agonies.
Like a parkway the white plastic ribbons show the way in the forest,
where some chairs are placed as a place for rest and devotion. The
work is framed by four handsome pine in the forest, which are to give
comfort." |

Annika Larsson Rahm's Tiden blåser iväg, jag
är uppbunden nu, kan du återkomma?
Tiden blåser iväg, jag är uppbunden
nu, kan du återkomma?
[Time flies, I am tied up now, can you return?]
Annika Larsson Rahm
Annika Larsson Rahm lives in Funäs, Oviken
Fontän och meteoritkrater [Fountain and Meteor
Crater] Katarina
Franck "Almost one hundred years ago
the dadaist Marcel Duchamp exhibited the work Fontain(1917)
in an American gallery. He took a common urinal, turned it
90° so that the prime function of it was annihilated.
Thereafter he signed it cryptically R. Mutt. By this work
he challenged how we percieve art. To him and to everone else
who can't help them self but rethinking Idedicate this work.
Like Duchamp I use an existing object (ready made)
and give it a new context. As a cascade a mountain-ash grows
thru the genom fountain and its branches wistfully reach for
the water-filled Meteor Crater that nature själv made
(nature made).
In the dialogue between what was created by man and what has
been nature made something new may emerge. In the eye of the
beholder." |
tillbaka [The Way Back] Anki
Hallqvist's work consists of four parts:
Streck [line] Perform,
be good, rush by, be in time, like a line past most things,
really wanted to stay and meet, feel, care, my-self too.
Små små steg...[Small small steps] To
lower the speed and find the balance,
which also influence our environment. One way can be thru
yoga, which is symbolised by the chakras seven colours. It
can be everything from the least we do or think to feel better,
which influence our enviromments, those we meet and as an
effect of that will make mankind, mother earth and the universe
better - or what those who can effect a lot for many could
Vila [Rest] to let your self rest
Frid [Peace] meditation |
Allberg's work fram a part of the "Meteor
Crater that has become the Lockne-lake. When I saw how
beautiful there is I felt that I needed to fram it like an
Solig Dorje
Dorje [Sunny Dorje] MalinMatilda
Allberg "A lamaitic Dorje
is a Buddhist symbol for balance and
harmony. I choose to show it as growing sunflowers, since
growing can also bring balance and harmony to both the one
who grows, as well as those who dwell in a garden. It is also
something that was formerly used a lot in the psychiatric
care. The patients felt better from growing and I know that
in for instance the Frösö-clinics almost were self-sufficient
when it came to vegetables once upon a time. That Knowledge
has, like so much else, been forgotten, but prooved to work
very well on eg. patients who suffer from fatigue depression,
who feel so much better when growing rhings. [Due to bad plastic
force the sunflowers did not grow as I had planned for, which
made me paint sunflowers on the rocks in the Dorj instead.] |
opening on the 25:th of June was successful and well-attended:

the Art-walk !
.................*Mass-audience by
Petersson's Sorgfrid ..........*
Trumvärk & Slagord* ...
MalinMatilda Allberg 2011 |